Thursday 8 March 2007

Great Potential

Just got back from meeting up with Kevin Bonavia, an old schoold friend and currently Chair of the Young Laboour Lawyers. As always when we meet up my poor girlfriend had to listen to us drone on about politics for a couple of hours. Obviously we had to talk about last night's vote in the Commons on reforming the House of Lords. We disagree! But I won't go in to that because it's not what this blog is about.

I did, however, run the idea behind the reasearch I want to conduct past him. We talked baout new media technologies and he agreed, unsurprisingly, that they are a fantastic communications tool which undoubtedly will be used by politicians to communicate more directly with voters based on their specific behaviour. What the reaction will be among the public remains a mystery.

What was interesting was the fact that being a true politician Kevin was very concerned about the fact that the Conservatives seem to be ahead of Labour on the new media front. Are politicians more concerned with what their opponents are up to or what their constituents think?

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