Tuesday, 24 April 2007

An End & A Beginning

I’ve been a bit quiet for a few days. That’s because I had to finish off my last essay, on how new technology influences the relationship between media and politics. Rather than go on about it here, I will wait for some feedback on it from the University and if it’s any good post it. Hopefully, that will happen in a couple of weeks or so. Working on that essay, and working at the office, have left me without a day off for some time. That will change tomorrow!

Meanwhile, with the last of my module work done, I’ve actually made a start on collecting information for my dissertation. This morning I went over to Hackney and spoke to the Conservative councillor Shuja Shaikh for a good two hours on the issues of young people and politics and the role new media could play to increase communication between the two sides as well as greater participation in elections and politics more generally. Again, I won’t go in to much detail as I would rather get a reasonable amount of information together first and then make some analytical comments rather than just reporting one offs. Still it’s fair to say the conversation provides some interesting points to think about.

What else is there to say? The West Ham rollercoaster ride continues. Disaster at Sheffield followed by victory against Everton. I think I should place a bet on losing to Wigan and then going on to beat Bolton and Man Utd. Also, I must give a brief mention to the results of the first round of voting in the French Presidential election. That put a spanner in the works for all the doom merchants who claim elective democracies are in decline. I suppose we all get a bit complacent at times but when there’s a real contest, a real desire for change or a clear realisation of the dangers of not voting (Le Pen’s success last time round surely played a part) then how much people care about the things we gain from living in democracies shines through.

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