Wednesday, 23 May 2007

Widening Net

A couple of developments so far today. I’ve started to widen the net of my research by contacting Jane Young who edits Hackney Today. As the paper is the Council’s newsletter it certainly doesn’t fit in to the category of independent media. However, the team that work on the paper are very much involved in political communication in the Borough and so I’m sure their opinions on how new media can affect this will provide some interesting results. Anyway, Jane and I had a brief conversation on the phone and I have now sent her the questionnaire.

On the Councillors front, I have received another completed questionnaire from Sem Moema. I shall have to start looking at how I’m going to analyse and collate the data but that will be for another day. Despite the lovely weather, I have to get on with working on the EiA newsletter so dissertations will have to take a back seat.

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